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Mt Monadnock
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District Job Descriptions
The District Committee
The District Committee is comprised of volunteers from throughout the geographic area the district serves. The district serves four functions: Membership, Finance, Program and Unit Service. It is important that all functions work together towards the common goal.
District Key 3
Responsible for the overall operation of the district and its purpose.
District Chairman – The job of the District Chairman is to preside over the district committee and be responsible for carrying out the four functions of the district: Membership, Finance, Program and Unit Service. The District Chairman also serves as a member of the Council Executive Board.
District Commissioner – The District Commissioner is the quality control officer who recruits, trains and leads a staff of Unit Commissioners who coach adult leaders of every unit to succeed. The District Commissioner is responsible for the unit service function of the district.
District Executive – The District Executive is the full-time professional assigned to guide the District and its top leadership in the overall functions of the district. The District Executive serves under the direction of the Council Scout Executive.
District Committee Member Positions
Finance Chairman – The District Finance Chairman oversees the finance function of district operations. The district is responsible for raising its share of the council operating budget and this person leads this money raising.
Friends of Scouting Chairman – The District Friends of Scouting Chairman leads and manages the Disrict Friends of Scouting (FOS) campaign to successfully reach its goal by June 30th.
District Popcorn Kernel – The District Popcorn Kernel (Chairman) organizes, manages and leads the district’s annual popcorn campaign with the help of unit kernels.
Membership Chairman – The District Membership Chairman leads the district’s membership team charged with recruiting new youth into the scouting program, developing more opportunities for youth to join the program, and working with the other district operating committees to ensure the structure is in place to accommodate our growth.
Program Chairman – The District Program Chair recruits volunteers & leads the team in the four functions of the Program Committee: Activities, Advancement, Outdoor Program, and Training.
District Vice-Chairman – The District Vice-Chairman aids the District Chairman in carrying out the four functions of the district: Finance, Membership, Unit Service and Program.
District Marketing Chairman – The District Marketing Chairman serves as a link between the scouting units and the local media by providing stories and articles to the media about local scouting events, activities, and accomplishments. This is NOT a public spokesperson job as that is handled by the council office.
Nominating Committee Chair – The District Nominating Committee Chairman leads the District Nominating Committee in their search for qualified district leadership. This person must be approved by the Council President.
Nominating Committee Member – District Nominating Committee Members serve on the district nominating committee in its search and recruitment for qualified district leadership.
Commissioner Staff
This team is lead by the District Commissioner who is a member of the District Key 3.
Assistant District Commissioner – The Assistant District Commissioner serves as a link between the District Commissioner and the Unit Commissioners. This person is responsible for an assigned share of units in a given geographical area within the district and the unit commissioners who serve those units.
Roundtable Commissioner – The Roundtable Commissioner plans and leads the monthly roundtable gathering of unit leaders.
Unit Commissioner – The Unit Commissioner is a Scouting generalist whose passionate overriding mission in Scouting is to help units succeed by being a friend, coach, and a mentor to unit leaders.